Until 2016/2017, a hospital & community health services (HCHS) index was calculated by the Department of Health (now DHSC). The hospital and community health services (HCHS) pay and price inflation was a weighted average of two separate inflation indices: the pay cost index was calculated using the annual increase in NHS salaries and the Health Service Cost Index (HSCI) measured the price change for each of 40 sub-indices of goods and services purchased by the HCHS. These were weighted according to the proportion of expenditure on pay and prices to give the HCHS pay and prices index. In 2016, this index was discontinued, and in 2018, in collaboration with the DHSC, PSSRU have developed a new inflation index.



data.frame with a row for each year. From-to July. Variables are:


to year


Proportion change from previous year


2017 https://www.pssru.ac.uk/pub/uc/uc2017/sources-of-information.pdf